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Drainage Design Focus Group Ideas Portal

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Auto pipe sizing per number of dwellings contributing

We need to upsize wastewater pipes from 150mm dia. to 225mm dia. as soon as the total number of dwellings contributing to that pipe exceeds 20. Could this be added to the Auto-design parameters?
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Source Control

Slightly more detailed storage volume estimate than the current "Storage Estimate" tool, to be similar to Source Control in MicroDrainage, allowing specification of a storage type and flow control type
Guest 9 months ago in  0

Model building connections to avoid the need to use third party software

Can a function be added to allow users to model building connections such as foul connections or connections from RWPs. This would allow the modelling of all below ground drainage in one model and allow BIM collaboration with other design discipli...
Guest 9 months ago in  0

Window size when moving Flow between multiple screens

Why does the window size of Flow decrease so much if it is moved from one screen to another when using multiple screens? Somewhat annoying to have to re-size it in the 2nd screen
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

pre-development discharge rates/ volumes

When calculating the pre-development discharge rates you get the Qbar and the Qmed for the requested return periods. For discussions with utility providers would be useful to obtain it for storm durations like the 15minutes and 30 minutes storm.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Outflow rates below 1 l/s to be specified to exact decimal point

It will be beneficial if the outflow rates below 1 litres per second can be specified to the exact decimal point. This is because a minimal change in a small outflow can have an impact on the storage required.
Guest 10 months ago in  0

Settings to save the Flow Results folder where we want

Add a setting option to set up the folder where we want to save Flow Results folder. Now, the Flow Result folder gets saved automatically where the Flow file is saved.
Guest 11 months ago in  0

template for design and simulation settings

Create a template for the design and simulation settings for the same or similar projects
Guest about 1 year ago in  0

Adding blind connections without the use of a junction chamber splitting the main run to shorter pipes

No description provided
Guest about 1 year ago in  0

Pressure increases in sealed manholes and showing the true water level in a sealed system.

It might be worth considering for inclusion in a future release of Flow: showing what the true water level in a sealed manhole would be (if it was an ideal system with no leaks and infinite materials strength) and showing the pressure in the seale...
Guest about 1 year ago in  0